The Advanced Implant Proficiency Course

Don’t be hesitant to take on complex implant cases! Expand your skillset to offer a wide range of implant services.

Unstable site, receded bone, soft-tissue difficulties, extensive sinus lift required…no problem!

Level 1: February 20-22, 2025
Level 2: April 24-26, 2025
Level 3: June 12-14, 2025



Location: MGE Florida Office

11800 30th Court N
St. Petersburg, FL 33716


CE Units: 54



To expand the scope of implant procedures you can perform and gain rock solid confidence in managing complex cases, so you can treat the vast majority of implant patients in-house. This includes solidifying your skills with hands-on practice. 


This advanced series is for implant providers who want to take their knowledge, skills, and scope of procedures offered up to an elite level.  

You’ll learn how to replicate predictable results with the many different, unique cases you will encounter.  

This series is the perfect balance of comprehensive learning for the wide range of knowledge you need while also being streamlined into an concise step-by-step sequence that gets you to your goals quickly and easily.  

We’ll dive deep into bone grafting, ridge spreading and splitting, soft-tissue grafting, PRF, restoring multi-unit and full-arch prosthetics, lateral and crestal sinus lifts, and much more. Then, we’ll practice each of the key techniques and procedures to make sure you’re ready to use them with confidence in your office.  

This series consists of three 3-day courses, each with a hands-on element.

You should attend this series if:  

  • You have already placed at least 15-20 implants 

  • You want to take on more complex cases 

  • You’re still referring out a large percentage of implant cases 

  • You occasionally struggle with unexpected complications 

  • You are sometimes unsure of which technique or procedure to use for best results 

  • You want to see more predictable results with soft tissue and/or hard tissue management 

If you are brand new to placing implants, please start with the Level 1 course.  

What Makes This Course Unique

Becoming a truly well-rounded implant clinician 

It can be highly frustrating to learn exciting new skills skills only to find yourself unprepared to actually apply them on real-world cases. Many educators out there focus heavily on bone grafting…or just soft-tissue grafting…or just full-arch prosthetics to the exclusion of other vitally important topics.  

But each case is unique and treating real patients requires you to understand different philosophies, manage all the interrelated aspects of the case, and be able roll with the punches while performing treatment.  

This series isn’t just a few specialized topics. It is a continuum that takes you from A to Z so you have the full breadth of knowledge to confident treat the vast majority of implant cases.  

Simplifying your educational journey 

This course goes step-by-step with a comprehensive approach. Instead of trying to mix and match separate niche courses, this series is the “whole package” of knowledge you’ll need to manifest clinical excellence on the basics of implant dentistry. You won’t need to piece it all together on your own or try to figure out where you may have gaps in your knowledge.  

Translating knowledge into real world success 

Our instructors have a depth and wealth of experience clinically, as well as real-life application with productively incorporating these procedures into their practices. Dr. Moussa is one of the preeminent instructors and innovators in the nation on implant therapy, and he maintains a full-time practice focused exclusively on periodontal surgery and implant rehabilitation. Dr. Philomin has placed over 10,000 implants in his career and his office produces nearly $10 million per year out of just 4 chairs.  

So, you’ll be learning from extremely experienced clinicians who have dealt with every type of case and complication you can imagine and understand the keys to making it a true practice builder.    

Tired of unexpected complications? Still referring out too many cases?

Expand your knowledge and skillset to manage complex implant cases with confidence!

Curriculum Below



Ehab Moussa, DDS, MsD

Dr. Moussa obtained his Bachelors degree in dentistry from Alexandria University, Egypt. He then joined his father in a specialty practice focusing on dental implant rehabilitation. In 2012 Dr. Moussa joined the periodontics fellowship program at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. Following which he pursued a Masters degree and residency in periodontics at CWRU. Following that, Dr. Moussa joined the implant restoration fellowship program at Louisiana State University in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dr Moussa has lectured nationally and internationally on topics that include; Hard and soft tissue augmentation around implants, partial extraction therapy, and full arch therapy. He currently maintains a full-time position in private practice limited to periodontal surgery and dental implant rehabilitation.


- D.D.S. Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University - 2009
- Fellowship in Periodontics, Case Western Reserve university – 2013
- Masters in Periodontics, Case Western Reserve university - 2016
- Fellowship in Implant Prosthetics, Periodontics department Louisiana State University - 2017

Arvind Philomin, DDS

Dr. Arvind Philomin received his dental degree from NYU College of Dentistry and was chief resident at Albert Einstein Jacobi Medical Center before opening his own office in 2004. Starting out as a small Medicaid office, he has transformed it into a thriving fee-for-service office collecting over $8 Million per year, with four specialists and three GPs.

Dr. Philomin has pursued extensive education on implantology, occlusion, and restorative dentistry throughout his career, and focuses on treating missing teeth, collapsed bites, and complex occlusion cases. He has placed over 10,000 implants and performs 10-12 full arches per month himself, so he has a wealth of experience to share in both the clinical aspects of full mouth restorations and business growth strategies to create a successful multidisciplinary practice.


Level 1 - Feb 20-22, 2025
Immediate Implants, Basic Hard and Soft Tissue, and Marketing/Case Acceptance

  • Defect diagnosis 

  • Treatment planning and sequencing 

  • Immediate implant placement 

  • Partial extraction therapy 

  • Provisionalization 

  • Extraction socket management 

  • Overview of soft-tissue procedures 

  • Stage two surgery 

  • Suturing techniques.  

  • Pig jaw workshop: each participant performs these techniques on fresh frozen pig mandibles. 

  • Who to treat, who not to—and why.  

  • Getting more patients into the practice for dental implants.  

  • Presenting implant cases to the patient and getting them accepted.    

Level 2 - April 20-22, 2025
Bone Augmentation, Sinus Grafting, & All-on-X

  • Bone augmentation procedures.  

  • GBR with resorbable barriers 

  • Ridge split/ramus graft. 

  • Use of PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) 

  • Sinus grafting for implant reconstruction. (Includes hands-on practical exercise with plastic models.) 

  • All on X: Surgical protocol. 

  • All on X: Hands-on surgical placement, sinus grafting, and impression tech with plastic models.

Day 3 - June 12-14, 2025
Minimizing Complications, Review, & Hands-On Exercises

  • Implant complications and how to minimize or eliminate them.  

  • Review and open discussion 

  • Hands-on exercises on cadaver specimens and plastic models for all procedures.

Hear from past attendees of DDS Clinical Training courses

There are a ton of patients coming in! Every week, I have several arches that I prep and I’m very efficient at it because of what the class taught us. They made it very simple to learn and apply right away.

My staff thinks I’m a genius and my patients think “Oh wow, my life is changed!”

  • S.N., DMD


Stop referring out all your implant patients!

Gain rock-solid confidence in your ability to perform these these gratifying, practice-building cases!

MGE Management Experts Inc. Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 04/01/2018 to 03/31/2024 Provider ID# 305927

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of (approved program provider) and (nonapproved program provider). The (approved program provider) is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit.