Full Mouth Restorative Series

2024 Curriculum

Occlusion, Aesthetics & Implants

8 Days of Education | March - November 2024

46 CE Credits

Mission Statement

To provide an environment where dental professionals can learn new technologies, document their progress and develop excellent skills for treating difficult and challenging cases.

To be able to use their knowledge to treatment plan and sequence cases more efficiently and predictably, using teeth or dental Implants as the foundation, ceramics and other materials for the restorations occlusion as the functional component, and aesthetics as the focus for ideal natural appearance that best fits each patient.

MGE Management Experts Inc. Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 04/01/2018 to 03/31/2024 Provider ID# 305927

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of (approved program provider) and (nonapproved program provider). The (approved program provider) is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit.

Session 1

Occlusion Philosophy & Aesthetic Facial Techniques

March 29-30, 2024


Understanding FMR begins with critical thinking of 2-dimensional designs for patients and treatment planning objectives. Starting with facial aesthetics, smile aesthetics and teeth aesthetics, the participant can envision the final result. Using many case presentations, we will demonstrate the fundamentals of FMR, Case analysis and Occlusion philosophy. Understanding preparation design can help us restore the teeth with ceramic materials to the highest level of natural beauty.

We will demonstrate photography, use of a face-bow transfer and provisional materials to highlight patients’ strong features and proper measurements that will determine the final result. Communication with laboratories is essential for ideal aesthetics. Using digital scanning techniques will also make the participant more versatile in their impression-making and increase speed of treatment.


  • Treatment planning cases

  • 2-Dimensional designs

  • Critical thinking

  • Emergency patient treatment

  • Preparation design

  • Case presentation SOT

  • Digital smile designs with occlusion component

  • Digital introduction for your office inpatient treatment

  • Photography for your practice

  • Face-bow easy training

  • HANDS ON - Digital scanning

Session 2

FMR Advanced Concepts, Multi-Disciplinary Cases & Hands-on Provisionals

June 21-22, 2024


FMR Concepts for more difficult cases will be discussed. Setting up your SOT (sequence of treatment) will help the participant get more organized and efficient in their execution of more advanced cases. Porcelain veneer techniques, cementation and delivery will be demonstrated.

Provisional hands-on course will be given to further solidify the upper and lower arch restorations to help participants handle advanced patient treatments. Using multi-specialties in dentistry will help us get better predictable results for many patients. Different classifications of occlusion will be discussed and multiple cases shown with a step-by-step approach.


  • Smile designs presentation

  • Porcelain veneers Class 1 & Class 2 cases

  • Treatment planning cases part 2

  • Provisional restorations

  • HANDS-ON - Provisionals


    • Combination multidisciplinary approach

    • Occlusion

Session 3

Implant Restorations, Business of Implant Dentistry & Hands-On Implants

September 27-28, 2024


FMR and Implant dentistry are necessary to create a natural implant-supported prosthesis. We will demonstrate single, multi-unit and full arch restorations supported with implants. Implant occlusion will also be discussed in detail.

Understanding all the various implant systems will be helpful in your practice. Understanding the surgical aspect, as well as the prosthetic aspect, will help participants make good clinical decisions and be more comfortable when implants and teeth are involved in the patient’s treatment.

Different laboratory designs for implant prosthetics will be discussed. Material selection is also critical in final implant restoration. Combining the clinical techniques with business principles is key for a successful practice. Anterior aesthetic zone implant restoration will be discussed and the higher level of difficulty when matching implant aesthetics to natural teeth. Hands-on option for placing implants will be available.


  • Implant prosthetics

  • Staged cases

  • Implant emergence profiles

  • Implant occlusion

  • Implant site preservation

  • Implants in the anterior aesthetic zone

  • Implant digital workflow

  • Implant emergence profiles

  • Laboratory designs and case planning

  • Treatment planning teeth and implants

  • Fixed hybrid implant prosthesis

  • Implants in the anterior aesthetic zone

  • HANDS-ON - Implant Placement

Session 4

Occlusion Philosophy for Extreme Cases, Critical Thinking & Emotional Dentistry

November 15-16, 2024


FMR and facial scanning will be discussed, as well as understanding TMJ joint position with restoring OVD (occlusal vertical dimension) as a critical part of full-mouth rehabilitation. The connection of sleep and airway dentistry is a real diagnostic issue that will give insight on the ideal position of the final restorations.

Using emotional dentistry to allow patients to see virtually the final result makes it easier to motivate them to go forward with treatment. Using digital smile designs and various softwares, we can simulate smiles and treatments in minutes. These and many other technologies will be demonstrated and the “Digital Avatar” in the laboratory will make treatment planning easier and more efficient.

Running a business-savvy dental office will be described by many FMR graduates who used our techniques and philosophies to create amazing dental environments for their patients. Having a digital dental IT company that knows the integration of many softwares and business applications can help your office run to its highest level and be very productive.


  • Occlusion philosophy

  • Joint position and CBCT scan analysis

  • Sleep and airway diagnosis

  • Extreme cases of occlusion

  • Analyzing jaw positions and changing midlines

  • DR. PUBLIO SILFA – Emotional dentistry


    • Motivational FMR

    • Legalities of FMR cases

  • Extreme cases of occlusion

  • Class 3 cases

  • Changing midlines

  • Business of dentistry